Sitka, Alaska Giant Halibut Fishing Tours

Alaska is known for its giant halibut and whether you are an experienced fisherman (or woman) or just want to get your feet wet—there could be one out there for you! As the largest flatfish in the Pacific, giant halibut from Alaska are prized for their hearty and delicious meat and, of course, their impressive size. The record for the largest giant halibut caught in Alaskan waters weighed in at 459 lbs! And, a single Alaskan giant halibut can provide upwards of 60 lbs. of prime fillets.
While the dream is to catch a giant halibut, Alaska is known for halibut of all sizes, and though Sitka halibut fishing may not give you the largest catch—it may be the tastiest. Smaller halibut provide a finer, more delicate meat that is prized for its superior ‘clean’ taste. Get fancy with it if that is your style, but a great halibut fillet doesn’t need to be overly seasoned to shine.
However, your chances of catching a true giant halibut in Alaska that is of satisfactory proportions are at their best during the prime Sitka halibut fishing season of mid-May to mid-September.
Halibut fishing with Sea Roamer Charters
Halibut are typically found in the open ocean, in depths ranging from 150 to 600 feet. For halibut fishing, we set the anchor and fish the bottom. When the ocean is rolling you will really appreciate the Sea Roamer’s catamaran hull. You will be fishing in relative comfort compared to the typical charter boat, subjected to the rockin’ and rollin’ waves of Alaska waters. In addition, you will appreciate our custom heavy-duty rod holders that allow you to bring up the “bottom dweller” with relative ease.

Halibut fishing with Sea Roamer Charters
Halibut are typically found in the open ocean, in depths ranging from 150 to 600 feet. For halibut fishing, we set the anchor and fish the bottom. When the ocean is rolling you will really appreciate the Sea Roamer’s catamaran hull. You will be fishing in relative comfort compared to the typical charter boat, subjected to the rockin’ and rollin’ waves of Alaska waters. In addition, you will appreciate our custom heavy-duty rod holders that allow you to bring up the “bottom dweller” with relative ease.

The majority of halibut caught by the charter fleet and by the Sea Roamer are nice halibut, but smaller (under 50 pounds—but feels like 80!). The flesh of smaller halibut has a more delicate texture than the “monster halibut.” Larger halibut tend to be the breeders, which are critical to the future of the fishery.
It’s not uncommon for the “dock talk” and photo ops to focus on monster-size halibut. In our opinion, the reality of the catch does not match the hype. Keep in mind, that the biggest of halibut are quite rare. Our goal as fishing partners is to be upfront and honest with you about fishing options…and reality.
Why fish for halibut with Sea Roamer Charters?
Halibut fishing in Sitka is a major industry and there is no shortage of options when it comes to charters and tours. But none are quite like ours. Not only do we offer individualized tours and have the best all inclusive prices, but we also have some of the top tools, equipment, and resources to optimize your Sitka halibut fishing excursion.
In addition to our unique custom made vessel, our Alaska halibut fishing guides are simply the best in the business. They’ve got all the knowledge, tips and tricks that only experience in these waters can give. And, they’re also just pretty darn cool and entertaining guys to spend a day with.
Whether you’re a beginner looking for a halibut catch notch for your belt or a hard core pro on the hunt for a genuine giant halibut, Alaska has plenty to offer and Sitka halibut fishing is some of the best in the state.